What Is The Best Way To Untangle Knotted Chains?
The gremlins have been at it again! You left your chains and necklaces completely tangle free and the next time you go to wear one they are miraculously knotted. How does this happen? Some cases are obvious from storing incorrectly, not using jewellery boxes or carrying them in pockets and bags instead of using travel rolls when on the move but sometimes it beats all logic and we have no idea. It’s happened to all of us at some point and untangling knotted chains can be a very frustrating task.
Here are some handy tips to help you untangle your knotted neck chains without damaging or breaking them:
Patience is key:
Gently does it. Untangling knots takes time, so be patient, gentle and avoid rushing the process, as this might make the knots tighter. Apply a puzzle-solving approach and look at where the chain is looped or twisted. If the necklace is closed, release the clasp and undo it, if possible. Approach each section systematically and slowly.
Lay the chain flat:
Lay the knotted chain on a flat surface to give yourself a clear view of the knots and make it easier to work on. Work on one knot at a time and try not to untangle the chain as a whole. Breaking it down into manageable tasks is easier.
Use tools:
Use tools like straight pins, needles, cocktail sticks, toothpicks or rubber-tipped tweezers to gently hold sections and tease apart the individual links of the chain. Be careful not to damage the chain in the process and don’t drag or pull too hard as you may stretch or break links.
Use gravity:
Allow the chain to hang freely and use gravity to your advantage. Sometimes, simply letting the chain dangle can help loosen the knots. If the knots are fairly loose a gentle tap and shake can help loosen them further.
If all else fails:
See your trusted professional jeweller and ask for help! We are used to this task and are happy to assist! If you have an expensive or quite delicate chain it is often times best not to risk attempting to detangle the chains yourself. It could be a costly lesson if you break it by accident.
Consider storing your chains in a way that minimises tangling. Invest in some good quality jewellery organisers, boxed drawers and travel rolls to keep them separated and untangled. Remember, untangling chains can be a delicate process, and it's essential to be gentle to avoid damaging the chain. Caring for your jewellery is essential for keeping it in top condition.